Miss G is a former Care Supervisor, aged 55. She lives alone in social rented accommodation in Liverpool. She has been diagnosed with cancer and claims Employment Support Allowance, and PIP (including a mobility element). After paying rent, council tax and water rates she is trying to manage on a very low income. She has been supported in managing her finances by a debt management agency, after being referred by her social landlord.
She applied to Liverpool Merchants’ Guild for a Regular Payment, to help her manage her finances and ‘to make ends meet’. In January 2017, Liverpool Merchants’ Guild awarded Miss G a Regular Payment of £6,000 to be paid in 2 half yearly amounts (this payment is classed as a charitable gift and has no effect on any welfare benefit eligibility). The award will be reviewed after 2 years, or sooner if there are any change in circumstances.
The Advisor told us: ‘My client is a single lady who is unable to work as she is undergoing cancer treatment. She was struggling to manage on a very low income. The award will be a life changing amount as it allows her to manage her finances, and stop worrying about how she is going to afford basic, essential costs.’
Mrs R, 65 is a retired bookkeeper. She lives alone in her own home in Liverpool. Having recently been widowed she is finding it difficult to manage on her single income which comprises her state pension and pension credit. Mrs R applied directly to Liverpool Merchants’ Guild for a regular payment to supplement her low income and assist with her household expenses. At their meeting in April 2017 the Trustees awarded Mrs R a regular payment of £3550 to be paid in two half yearly instalments.
Mr S, aged 76, was a former Supervisor with a local Council. He lives alone in a rented flat in Liverpool. He is registered severely sight impaired. His income includes state pension, pension credit, a small occupational pension, Disability Living Allowance care component and Disability Living Allowance mobility payment. Mr S. was supported in his application by Henshaws, a charity for the visually impaired.
With the support of Advisors, he applied for a One Off Grant in order to purchase OrCam: a new break-through artificial vision technology, which is part of a miniature smart camera worn on spectacle frames. It converts visual information into the spoken word, reads any printed text including newspapers, books, computer screens, menus, labels and street signs – instantly relaying it to the user through a built-in speaker.
The Guild assessed Mr S’s application, and was able to award him both a One Off Grant of £2,600 to purchase OrCam, and given his very low income, a Regular Payment of £1,300.
Mr S has now been able to purchase OrCam: ‘The Orcam is absolutely brilliant: the difference it will make to my life is huge. It’s like having a new set of eyes.’
The Advisor commented: ‘Liverpool Merchants’ Guild’s staff have been a great help and very patient. This opportunity at the Merchant Guild provides a real lifeline to our service users’.
Mrs B, 56, worked for a local charity. She lives with, and cares for, her adult son in social rented accommodation in Liverpool. Her son has a long-term limiting illness. Mrs B has recently been diagnosed with multiple health conditions. She is also a carer for her parents, who require 24 hour support.
Mrs B is on a very low income comprising Income Support, Carer’s Allowance and a small family contribution. It is very difficult for her to meet weekly outgoings, especially high energy bills which, given her son’s health, are difficult to reduce. In 2016, Mrs B, with support from a local money advice centre, made a successful application to Liverpool Merchants’ Guild and was awarded a Regular Payment of £1,400. She commented: ‘This is fabulous news. I have been struggling for so long. it’s great to receive some additional support which will help to me to purchase day to day items we are urgently in need of.’ Jan 2017
Her Advisor commented: ‘I was nervous initially as I had never applied to Liverpool Merchants’ Guild before and didn’t want to give false hope. This award is going to make such a difference to the family. It is great to have an opportunity to make applications for grants for local residents in genuine need.’